Original PlayStation Home Cache Data

When playing PlayStation Home, whether in the past or present, the game downloads various content to enhance loading speeds by storing it in a cache folder. For example, upon first visiting Central Plaza, the area is downloaded and stored in the cache; subsequent visits load directly from the cache, reducing load times. This process is similar to how web browsers cache web pages for faster loading on return visits.

Much of the content downloaded within PlayStation Home, such as clothing items, posters in spaces, minigames, and more, is cached without explicit prompts to the user.

Cache data from before March 31, 2015, is extremely important and useful to us. We consider it our fuel; without it, we cannot discover and add more content. Nearly everything we have was obtained through cache data donations, including spaces, clothing items, minigames, and more. There's still more to uncover.

How to Extract PlayStation Home Cache Data

If you have a PlayStation 3 with PlayStation Home still installed from before March 31, 2015, please watch this easy-to-follow video tutorial on how to extract and donate your PlayStation Home cache data to us. As mentioned above, this assistance is invaluable. Thank you!

Is there any personal data in cache data?

No. Cache data consists solely of downloaded content, such as spaces, minigames, clothing items, etc. This design allows cache sharing between different users on the same PlayStation 3.

Is cache data the same as saved data?

No. Saved data pertains to items like your apartment's furniture layout. Saved data was later replaced by SSFW data, which is stored on the server you are playing on for things such as your apartment's furniture layout.

Do you want cache from playing on Home Headquarters?

No. Cache data from Home Headquarters contains content we already possess, rendering such donations unnecessary. We are looking for original PlayStation Home cache data only.

Can you tell the difference between cache data from original PlayStation Home and Home Headquarters PlayStation Home?

Yes. We have several methods to distinguish between the two. We are only interested in original PlayStation Home cache data, however.

How large is original PlayStation Home cache data?

It varies, but most original PlayStation Home caches are approximately 3GB, which is the default size. However, the in-game options menu allowed users to increase their cache size to 5GB, 7GB, or 12GB if desired.

Is there an archive of all cache data?

Yes. It can be found here.